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Over Infrastructural defects ….. VP Juldeh Jalloh called on FBC to establish working committee

By Mamajah Jalloh

Vice President Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh has called on the Fourah Bay College Administration to form a working committee that will discuss ways and means for government’s involvement to solve the university’s most urgent lapses such as infrastructure, water, and electricity.

Speaking during a one day visit to the Mount Aureol campus, VP Juldeh Jalloh said President Bio’s Administration has established a special educational fund to help ease educational challenges affecting higher and tertiary education in the country.

He said that government is aware about the constrains that students are going through including the administration of the university  and its  teaching staff but assured  the university leadership  that all mechanisms are in place to resolve the decades old problems affecting the country’s premier tertiary institution.

In his brief statement, the Head of Political Science Department at FBC Dr. Dumbuya on behalf of the administration thanked the VP and government for their interest shown in solving the university problems and promised that a Committee as requested will soon be set for positive action.

During the Vice President’s one day visit, Dr. Juldeh Jalloh visited the C.P Foray building, the Strasser King Buildings among other places within the college premises thus prompting the need for immediate assistance towards the college by the government.

Aminata Kamara, a third year student in the department of political science at FBC, welcomed the Vice President’s visit to the university thus calling on the government to do more in investing more on the college’s  infrastructure and advanced learning facilities within their learning processes.

‘’ There are no enough structures for lectures,  furniture,  serious challenges with hygiene and water facilities which the administration  of FBC have been keeping silent about,’’ she said, thus advising the government to prioritize their college and other learning institutions across the country to march with international standards.

For Unisa Bangura, a student in the Faculty of Communications, Media and Information Studies welcomed the call by the country’s VP for the working committee to report on the challenges affecting the college thus adding that through the committee they can send recommendations and suggestions to the government on the urgent needs of the university.

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