BY THIS DEED which is intended to be registered with the administrator AND REGISTRAR GENERAL, Walpole Street Freetown, I the undersigned HADIE JALLOH of No. 29 Mabanta Road Makeni in the Northern Province of the Republic of Sierra Leone a natural born Sierra Leonean subject do hereby for and on behalf of myself absolutely and entirely renounce, religious and abandon the use of my formal name HADIE JALLOH as it may appear in my identity card and other documents and assume adopt and determine to take and use as from date hereof the name HADIE WAINDU JALLOH (new name) in substitution of my formal name HADIE JALLOH
AND in pursuance of such change I HEREBY DECLARE that I shall at all times hereinafter used all records, deeds, documents and other writings and in all action and proceedings and as well as in all dealings and transactions whatsoever use and subscribe the new name HADIE WAINDU JALLOH in substitution of my former name HADIE JALLOH. AND I HEREBY authorize and require all persons to identify, describe or address me by my new name HADIE WAINDU JALLOH WITNESS WHEREOF I HAVE HERUNTO SET MY HAND AND SEAL.