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HomeEconomyAs Southern Region gamester inked history… Mercury International makes Le 387M football...

As Southern Region gamester inked history… Mercury International makes Le 387M football betting individual payout

A Southern-region bettor, Abdul Rahman (Surname withheld), inked his name in the history books of Mercury International and the football betting winning history in Sierra Leone after he became the highest individual football betting winner in the country.

Mr Abdul Rahman surpasses the previous winning record of a middle-aged petty-trader, Mrs Betty Hook, to become the Company’s proud winner, walking home with the sum of Le 387,000,000 (approximately US$36,711) and taking home Le 311,000,000 (approximately US$29,502) after tax.

The gamester placed a bet of Le 2,000 (less than a dollar) on 15 teams on the Mega List giving him a life-changing opportunity of which he admitted that “it is a realisation of a lifetime dream and opportunity to be a big businessman.”

Having over a cheque and cash to the record-breaker, Mercury International Managing Director, Mr Martin Michael said, the winning was achieved because of the Company’s ongoing Bonus offered on all football betting and lottery products.

“It is no surprise we are referred to as the Bonus King, we are giving more opportunities to our customers,” the MD said adding that, the company was happy to welcome the winners, especially when they are coming from the provinces.

He said: “I am proud to be presenting this cheque and cash to the winners, more so they are from Bo and Kabala. Let me congratulate you once again for this life-changing win and advise you to go on to utilize the money properly and will be of good benefit to you, your family and the country.” 

The lucky winner from the Southern –region thanked the Mercury International M.D for their transparency and promised to use the money wisely including opening a factory.

The Mercury International Managing Director also presented a cheque of Le 260,000,000 (Two Hundred and Sixty Million Leones) to another winner, Mohamed from Kabala who won online football betting.

Abdul Rahman and Mohamed joined the long list of millionaires created by Mercury International.  In September 2020, Mrs Sesay won the sum of Le 344,740,596 taking home Le 272,290,000.

Also in June 2011, a group of guys made history in Football betting after they won a huge sum of Le103, 250,100 in fixture set 3146. They stake a bet of Le1m on set 3146 Elite Handicap (4-1, 6-2, 15-2, and 19-1) won Le 103,250,100.



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