Friday, March 14, 2025


The National Public Procurement Authority has launched the 4th Quarter 2021 Public Procurement Price Norm at the Conference Hall of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, Tower Hill, Freetown.

The Public Procurement Price Norm is a document that has prices of commonly user items in the market, its aim is not to control the prices of commodities in the market but to serve as a guide for public procurement practitioners, contractors, and suppliers when they embark on procurement activity.

In making a statement at the launching, the Director of the Procurement Directorate of the Ministry of Finance, Mr Fodie Konneh stated that the Price Norm serves as a tool that creates room for transparency, economy, accountability and value for money in public sector procurement. He urged public procurement practitioners, contractors and suppliers to continue to promote the use of the Price Norm to enhance effectiveness and efficiency in public sector procurement.

The Board Chairman of the National Public Procurement Authority, Mr. Alfred H. Kandeh in his remarks stated that in the past there was no benchmark in term of selecting prices in public sector procurement but with the publication of Price Norm on a quarterly basis, there is now a benchmark in selecting prices.

He informed that the Price Norm has grown from a small volume to a larger one in term of data and information. He encouraged the different players in public sector procurement to get themselves au fait with the Price Norm and put it into proper use.

“Make sure that our efforts are not in vain, make sure that you promote procurement management in this country by being more scientific, you do not guess. There is no guess work in procurement”, Chairman Alfred H. Kandeh emphasized.

The Chief Executive of the National Public Procurement Authority, Mr. Ibrahim Brima Swarray in his statement stated that His Excellency, Dr. Julius Maada Bio who campaigned on platform of transparency has done a lot to rebrand Sierra Leone into an enviable investment destination that would attract foreign direct investment and ensure job creation for its citizens since he was elected as president in 2018.

He further stated that Sierra Leone cannot succeed to convince big investors to invest in the country if people continue to engage in corrupt practices. Thus, he encouraged every procurement practitioner in public sector procurement to make great use of the Price Norm to ensure transparency, accountability, and value for money in public sector procurement. He further encouraged public procurement practitioners to start contributing to the development of the Price Norm.
The event was chaired by Barrister Francis Gbaya, Director of Legal & Corporate Affairs, NPPA whilst the Welcome Address and Vote of Thanks were delivered Mr. Sylvester H. Demby, Director of Administration & Human Recourses, NPPA and Alex Vandy, Corporate Affairs Officer, NPPA respectively.
Questions and answers session climaxed the event.
For more information, contact:
Legal & Corporate Affairs Directorate, NPPA
National Public Procurement Authority
OAU Drive, Tower Hill, Freetown
Phone: 232 75902460/ +232 88789329



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