The public is hereby informed that the Pilot Census for the 2021 Mid-Term Census starts on Tuesday 19th October 2021 and will last fourteen days.
Accordingly, Monday 18th OCTOBER 2021 (Prophet Mohammed’s birthday – a public holiday) is declared the PILOT CENSUS NIGHT. This night of the public holiday, will be the reference point for enumeration.
Please note that between the Pilot Census night and the time when enumerators reach your household, the composition of the household may change. Therefore please remember that our enumerators will ask about persons who slept in a household only on Prophet Mohammed’s birthday 18th October 2021.
For the Pilot Census, 1% of the total number of enumeration areas was selected across the country. Only households in these EAs will be counted during the next fourteen days.
The Pilot Census is conducted to test all aspects of the main mid-term census which will follow. These will include technical, logistical and communication issues.
Authorised Stats SL field staff with ID Cards and other branded materials, will go to the selected households in the country to count the total number of people in those households and also ask questions relating to the Socio-Economic and Demographic indicators of those households.
The enumerators will talk to the head of the household or his/her designated representative to give information relating to those who slept in the household on 18th October 2021.
There will also be institutional questionnaires to be administered for people who slept on the PILOT CENSUS Night in places like Hotels, Hospitals, Police Stations, Prisons etc and also floating population questionnaire to capture the floating population on pilot census night.
Please remember that this is an exercise that is meant only to test our system for the main census, therefore not every area or household will be covered.
The cooperation of the general public is hereby solicited to allow Stats SL’s enumerators to move around and carry out their work unhindered as enshrined in Section 8 of the Census Act of 2002.