Invitation for Bids (IFB)
IFB No: SLCB/HRD/NCB/22/09/003
Date of First Issue: 12TH SEPTEMBER 2022
- The Sierra Leone Commercial Bank Limited (SLCB) has allocated funds for the procurement of custom-made staff uniform and now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of the following categories of staff uniforms:
Lot No. | Description of Goods | Quantity | Delivery Period |
1 | Custom made suit (male non-management staff) | 309 | 8 weeks |
Custom made suit (male management staff) | 63 | ||
Custom made suit (male executive management staff) | 15 | ||
Custom made suit (female non-management staff) | 508 | ||
Custom made suit (female management staff) | 48 | ||
Custom made suit (female executive management staff) | 3 | ||
Custom made suit (female artisans, bulk tellers and chef) | 42 | ||
Custom made camisole (female non-management staff) | 729 | ||
Custom made camisole (female management staff) | 48 | ||
2 | Custom made regular neck tie (male non-management and management staff ) | 453 | |
Custom made anniversary neck tie (male non-management and management staff) | 320 | ||
3 | Branded white shirt-long and short sleeves (male non-management staff) | 1,119 | |
Branded white shirt-long sleeves (male management staff) | 104 | ||
Navy blue and white stripes custom made shirts (office assistant) | 165 | ||
Navy blue fabric for trousers – 4 1/2Yds each (driver, office assistant dispatch and steward) | 393 | ||
Navy blue fabric for suit- 9Yds each (Electricians, plumber cleaners and auto mechanic | 126 |
Bidder may quote for one or more lots
- Bidding documents may be purchased upon payment of a non-refundable fee of SLE 300.00 (Three Hundred Leones) and method of payment will be by cash into “NPPA-Revenue from the sale of Bidding Documents sub Treasury Account” {003-001-081791-11-21-83} at Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, 29-31 Siaka Stevens Street and pay-in slip submitted to the Procurement Unit.
- Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 12:00 noon on Monday 19th September 2022. Bids must be accompanied by:
- A Certified True Copy of a Business Registration
- A Certified True Copy of valid tax certificate from the National Revenue Authority (NRA);
- A Valid NASSIT Certificate
- A Valid local council Certificate
- Bid Security of SLE 70,000 from a reputable Commercial Bank;
- A Sample/brochure of each items to be supplied
- Business profile of the Supplier include:
- Previous experience directly related to this procurement.
ii) Satisfactorily completed contracts in supply relating to this procurement.
- A signed Integrity Pact; [see attached]
- Completed and signed Eligibility and Qualification Form
Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders
Bids should be address to:
The Head Procurement Unit
Sierra Leone Commercial Bank Limited,
3rd floor,
29-31 Siaka Stevens Street,